Choices In Love.
How do we love ourselves through the choices we make? Are we staying in relationships out of love for ourselves, or love for another?
The Resurfacing & Healing of Old Patterns.
How do we meet and move through patterns and behaviours that are no longer serving us? How do we meet these parts of ourselves with more love and compassion?
Are You Settling In Your Relationships?
How are you settling in your relationships? Why do you keep finding yourself in the same relationship, with different people?
The Beauty of Boundaries.
What are healthy boundaries? Why are they important? How do we set and honour our boundaries?
Heart Centred Habits.
How do we create the life we dream of? What daily actions can we be taking to make our dreams a reality?
How To Recenter.
How do we come back to our body when we are overwhelmed? How do we recenter our energy when we feel scattered?
Burn Out and Cyclical Living.
Why are so many of us burnt out? How do we harness the wisdom of nature to live more cyclically? How can cyclical living enhance our energy and performance?
What Are We Dating For?
Are we dating for love, for sex, for personal growth? How do we get clear on our intentions, and navigate the world of dating, post lockdown?
Navigating Challenging Emotions.
How do we give ourselves the space to feel emotions like anger, sadness, guilt, frustration? How can we move through the ebb and flow of our emotional landscape healthily?
Increasing Pleasure.
How can we bring more pleasure into daily life? How can we feel more sensual in everything we do?
Bleed Rituals.
Why are we so powerful during menstruation? How do you nourish your body during this time? What rituals can you integrate to harness your ancient womb wisdom?
Communication in Intimacy.
Why is communication during sex important? How do we communicate with authenticity?
Mindful Self Pleasure.
What is mindful self pleasuring? How can it improve our relationship to ourselves? How do we implement it as a daily self love ritual?
Meeting the Mind.
What is meditation? What are the benefits of meditating regularly? How do I establish a regular meditation practice?
The Dance of Masculine and Feminine.
What are the masculine and feminine energies we hold? How do they play out in our relationships? How can we bring more balance into ourselves?
Sustainable Self Care.
How do we achieve and maintain overall health and wellbeing? How do we feed ourselves in the most nourishing way? What factors, aside from diet, affect our health and wellbeing?
A Little More About Me.
A little more about me, what I am hoping to do, and what this sweet little space is turning into.