Choices In Love.
How do we love ourselves through the choices we make? Are we staying in relationships out of love for ourselves, or love for another?
The Resurfacing & Healing of Old Patterns.
How do we meet and move through patterns and behaviours that are no longer serving us? How do we meet these parts of ourselves with more love and compassion?
Are You Settling In Your Relationships?
How are you settling in your relationships? Why do you keep finding yourself in the same relationship, with different people?
The Beauty of Boundaries.
What are healthy boundaries? Why are they important? How do we set and honour our boundaries?
Conscious Relating.
What is conscious relating? How do we create spaces for communication and vulnerability?
What Are We Dating For?
Are we dating for love, for sex, for personal growth? How do we get clear on our intentions, and navigate the world of dating, post lockdown?
Communication in Intimacy.
Why is communication during sex important? How do we communicate with authenticity?
The Dance of Masculine and Feminine.
What are the masculine and feminine energies we hold? How do they play out in our relationships? How can we bring more balance into ourselves?
The Power of Conscious Giving and Receiving.
Do you feel more comfortable giving or receiving? How does this effect your relationship? How can you create more balance between the two?